
How does the Sirenix control mosquitoes?

Sirenix is based on the “Lethal Ovitrap” for control paradigm. This is where pregnant (gravid) females are lured to a device to “Oviposit” or lay eggs which are then prohibited from becoming adults. One female can lay up to 500 eggs, exterminating these eggs interrupts the life cycle and in a short time (weeks) the mosquito population begins to collapse.

Does Sirenix work for all mosquitoes?

Sirenix attracts and kills all species of human biting mosquitoes that transmit disease: aedes, culex, anopheles. Each species has different breeding habits and preferences. The Sirenix accommodates all of these; aedes – lay eggs above the water line in the shade, the Sirenix mimics a car tire with a dry space above the water sheltered with shade. culex and anopheles lay their eggs directly on the water.

How does the Sirenix prohibit mosquito eggs from becoming adults?

“Lethal Ovitraps” either capture the adult female mosquito (using fly paper) or kills the offspring. Typical methods of extermination require toxic pesticides and must be routinely maintained and re-supplied. Sirenix uses, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and sustainable solar powered “Acoustic Larvicide” to kill the offspring. The Sirenix patented technology acoustically ruptures, through resonance, the larvae’s respiratory system causing death. We are only using sound energy in short bursts every six hours.

Why do the mosquitoes lay eggs in the Sirenix?

The Sirenix incorporates eight natural attractive lures that the females are seeking, not just one or two. The system also presents an ideal environment which she cannot resist to lay her eggs.

  1. Water surface is easily visible from above for 360°, the sight of water is the dominant attractant in itself.
  2. Water emits an attractive aroma for the female and over time, by natural organics decomposing, the attractant is enhanced.
  3. Early hatched larvae produce an odor before they are killed which attracts the female. 
  4. The contrasting black and white striped color scheme simulates shade and gives an illusion of motion to the insects segmented eye which attracts the female.
  5. The Sirenix design mimics a tire with continuous shade area, the contrast alerts her to shade where she likes to rest and lays eggs.
  6. The Sirenix provides a dry space above the water which is necessary for the Aedes who lays her eggs above water and is attractive for other species as a resting spot.
  7. Blue LED lamps emit color at a frequency proven to be attractive to adult mosquitoes.
  8. The cycling of the LEDs simulate motion to the segmented eye and is attractive color.


How can I tell if the Sirenix is operating?

If the battery is fully charged, disconnect it for 10 seconds and reconnect it, the LED’s will then go through a start-up sequence telling you the Sirenix is operating properly.

The right most LED on each side will briefly flash once every two minutes to indicate proper operation

Where should the Sirenix be placed?

The location of Sirenix is flexible using the solar panel extension cord. Placement can be optimized by having the basin in shade while moving the solar panel to collect direct sunlight. It is recommended to be placed in partial shady areas. If you have vegetation bordering your property place the units every 400 feet adjacent to the boarder.

How long does it take to fully charge the battery in direct sunlight?

Starting with a fully discharged battery, it will reach maximum energy within six hours of direct sunlight

Will I have to add water?

Upon initial use add water to just below the overflow holes. The Sirenix will continue to attract female mosquitoes and kill mosquito with as little as 3/8” of water in the bottom. All LEDs will flash in unison when water level is ½” deep telling you to add water.

Should I operate the Sirenix year-round?

Yes, if you are in a warm climate that does not experience freezing weather, it is highly suitable for year-round use.  If you are in areas that experience freezing weather, you will have seasonal population changes and the Sirenix must be brought indoors and stored if freezing weather is expected. In these climates it is recommended to place the Sirenix outside one month before mosquito season begins.

How long does it take the Sirenix to work?

The life cycle of a mosquito is 5 to 14 days. You will begin to see a reduction in mosquito population in about two weeks. In one month, the population will begin to collapse.

How many Sirenix traps do I need?

At least 3 traps for every ¼ acre of land. If vegetation boarders your property place a unit every 400’

When do the LED lights flash?

The LED’s have three modes of illumination.

  1. The Intelligent Twilight Sensor (ITS) will automatically turn on the LEDs to operate in a sequence simulating motion just before dusk and dawn.  This is the time many mosquito species are flying such as culex and anopheles.  You do not need to adjust for daylight changes as the system will automatically learn when sunset and sunrise will occur.  This learning may take a few days after initial setup depending on the weather and other factors.  Bright nighttime lamps in the area may affect this operation.
  2. When the water level is low, less than ½” of water, all LED’s will flash at once periodically.  If it is not anticipated to rain soon you should add water to the overflow ports.
  3. Every two minutes the right most LED will flash to indicate the Sirenix is operating properly
  4. Upon initial battery installation of a charged battery the LED’s will go through a start-up test sequence telling you the battery is charged and unit is operating.  If the battery is drained (which may occur if the Sirenix is stored and not in used for long periods) place the unit in direct sunlight for 6 hours and disconnect for ten seconds then reconnect to observe the start-up sequence.

Do I need to worry about the Sirenix tipping over?

Unlike other ovitraps the Sirenix has an exceptionally low profile, large stable base and low center of gravity so tipping over by wind (up to 50 mph) or accidental bumps from animals will not knock it over.

Will yard sprinklers or other irrigation impact operation?

No, the Sirenix is designed for any amount of rain or sprinkler operations. . As opposed to chemical pesticide traps, sprinklers and rain is very beneficial to the operation. 


I have pets dogs, cats, and hedgehogs, is the Sirenix a danger to them.

No, the Sirenix does not contain any toxic chemicals and the short burst of acoustic energy is not harmful.

Is the sound energy the Sirenix uses to kill mosquito larvae dangerous to me or my pets?

No, the Sirenix sound frequency is just above your ability to hear it and does not cause any harm to humans or animals. The pulses are short, only a few seconds and occur about every six hours. Almost all the sound energy is contained within the unit as it cannot escape the top of the water and bounces off the plastic sides.

Are there any dangerous or toxic pesticides used in the Sirenix?

No toxic pesticides or chemicals are used. The Sirenix is sustainable and environmentally friendly using sunlight to power and sound to kill, no pesticides are used.


How often do I need to add water?

Initial set-up will require you to add water to the overflow ports. In partial shade in warm temperatures with no rain you may need to add water once per week. You will know to add water if all the LEDs flash at once periodically.

What kind of water should I use?

Typical water from your tap will work fine.

Should I change the water?

Depending upon your environment, if debris begins to build up you should empty the basin and add fresh water. Otherwise, with normal rain adding fresh water and the acoustics designed to limit algae growth you may wait up to three months to clean.

How do I clean my Sirenix?

Use only fresh water and cloth or paper towel to wipe down the unit. Be careful not to damage the water level sensors, take care cleaning the rubber transducer. Clean the solar panel glass lens.

How long will the trap last?

The Sirenix “lethal Ovitrap” is designed for long life with minimal maintenance. It is environmentally sustainable. The trap is made of high-quality materials. The solar panel’s lens is glass, not plastic and will not haze over. The black plastic components are UV resistant and sturdy.